Blogger Spell Check
So, after the last posting, I did a spell check and the only word it had issue with was "blog"...
So, doing a little searching around and I found that blog is in many dictionaries including the Merriam-Webster dictionary:
Main Entry: blog
Pronunciation: 'blog, 'bläg
Function: noun
Etymology: short for Weblog:
a Web site that contains an online personal journal with
reflections, comments, and often hyperlinks provided by the writer
- blog·ger noun
- blog·ging noun
You would think of all the spell checks in the world, that at least Blogger would have the word blog in it's dictionary. Also, checking the spelling on this post finds blogger as a misspelled word.
This is amazingly useful information, sir! Thank you for sharing it with us.
I was wondering the other day about the relative quality of the various web dictionaries on the internet. I can cross this one off of my list. Now onto the other 213,000 of them.
I'm glad you found this insightful. Glad to see you can move on.
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