Sunday, December 17, 2006

Google Maps on a Blackberry 7105?

I'm heading to a gathering at a friends house on Saturday night and for the life of me, I can't find the place. I'd been there a few times before, but always during daylight. I wasn't lost, but I was having troubles.

I wanted to spare myself the embarrassment of calling for directions, as it was a rather large gathering. So, I turned to my blackberry 7105 and pull up Google. I figure they would have some flat maps that I could use, but I was wrong.

So, I went to and typed in the address and got nowhere. I tried 3 more times and nothing. No map, no indication of anything. I did notice a "Download Google Maps" link, but with my experience with my 7105, I'm thinking that's not an option for me.

I went to MapQuest and it kept complaining that JavaScript wasn't enabled. So I went and enabled it and still nothing. During all these tries, I had to move my car a few times because it felt awkward parked while cars drove by in the area I was in.

I finally went back to Google Maps and tried the downloads. I tried the search again in the Blackberry browser and once again failed. So, I went directly to the new Google Maps app put in my Tools folder.

In 2 minutes I found where I was and where I needed to go. It was most excellent! (Go Bill & Ted)

So, a drive that should have been 15 minutes, took me 45 minutes. But I saved a little bit of grace by not calling for directions. You should check out if Google Maps is available for your phone. If it supports a BBerry 7105, I'm sure it supports a bunch of 2 year old smart phones.

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